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Re: Spark advance

Subject: Re: Spark advance
From: Andy Ashworth <>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 94 16:28:49 BST
Malcom Forbes writes:

>The history of gasoline engines is the history of trying to run higher
>compression ratios, at higher RPM, at greater spark advances without PING!

He missed out the use of less fuel - at Rover we had an engine that would
quite happily run at an AFR of around 19:1 until the advent of the catalyst
which forced the engine to be run at stoichiometry! (around 14:1). 
I.e. the wonderfully "green" catalyst causes engines to be less efficient!!
(They do however have other advantages specifically in the reduction of NOx)

Andy Ashworth
Lloyd's Register                        email:
29, Wellesley Road                      Phone:  +44 (0)81 681 4723
Croydon                                 Fax:    +44 (0)81 681 4839

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