Mark J Bradakis writes:
> But if I could somehow come up with the money
> for, say, a 1 gig SCSI disk that could be attached to this machine here...
> Hmm, I could probably get in trouble trying to solicit funds for hardware
> to support the lists over the net. Oh well.
There is somewhat of a precedent for this sort of thing over on the
Rush (rock group) e-mail list. Without the list manager's knowledge,
one of the members took up a collection. The money was used for
front-row seats at and airline tickets to a concert in San Diego (the
list manager lives in the Wash. D.C. area), as a way to say thanks to
the rush-mgr for all the hard work in running the list.
What does a 1-gig SCSI drive cost? $500? $1000? $2000? I haven't a
clue. My guess is that we've got at least 500 readers on this list.
If everyone chipped in five or ten U.S. dollars (about the cost of a
tank of gas for your LBC here in the States), we'd be well on our way
towards the purchase of the needed disk.
My vote is that we go for it. Let's hear your comments. Anyone want
to volunteer to be the treasurer?
T.J. Higgins | | (205) 730-7922
Intergraph Corp. | Mapping Sciences Division | Huntsville, AL, USA