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Metalprep on the cheap?

Subject: Metalprep on the cheap?
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 93 13:18:09 pdt
Found in rec.crafts.metalworking:

   From: (Peter Northway)
   Newsgroups: rec.crafts.metalworking
   Subject: Phosphoric Acid - Do it yourself.
   Date: Wed, 08 Sep 93 12:02:14 +1300

   Reading the recent thread on surface preparation I thought some people 
   might be interested in a formula for ruskiller which I use.

   This formula was given to me by a senior chemist for a very large chemical
   company, (I)ncredibly large (C)hemical (I)ndustry leader, about sixteen years
   ago and I have used it successfully since then.


      Phosphoric Acid   25%  (I use 95% food grade, used by dairy companies).
      Alcohol           25%  (I use Methylated Spirits)
      Water             50%
      Washing up Liquid a few drops. (whetting agent)

   Yes I know that makes more than 100% with the washing up liquid but the
   measurements are not that critical.

   I find that it works better if you mix it up one day and then leave it until
   the next day to use it. The reaction is exothermic so don't seal the 
   tightly, allow for expansion.
   Providing you can get a good cheap source for the Phosphoric Acid then this 
   mixture works out at a fraction of the cost of commercial Rust Killers.

        Peter Northway        | Disclaimer : This is just my opinion. Well more
     Wanganui New Zealand     | like a tiny ripple in the fabric of the 
universe. | Well would you believe just another beer break.

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