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Re: I'm back!

To: paul gilders rs <>,
Subject: Re: I'm back!
From: (John Lupien)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 93 15:30:58 EDT
>       Just a quick note to let you know that I'm back on the list
> in the UK and my TR6 is parked just outside in the car park. The 
> importation went very smoothly and my TR6 is fully taxed, insured and
> MOTed with the new "number plates" fixed in position. It was even running 
> fairly well until today when I experienced a few problems. They all seemed
> to occur after filling the tank full of 4-star petrol, although I'm not sure 
> if this is really a contributory factor. Anyway, my first problem was with
> a delayed response on the throttle - very annoying indeed in London traffic,
> especially when it would occasionally stall completely and then struggle to
> restart. I decided to disconnect the vacuum retard tube from the distributer
> which has temporary cured the problem. I wonder if the distibuter retard 
> mechanism needs oiling??

How high is the octane on that "****" petrol? Remember that high octane
means a slower burn, and that "too slow" can mean that you have to advance
the spark. I have that "feature" in my Rx7 - I have to adjust the timing to
suit the octane of the fuel I put in. I get the best power from the "ultimate
crappy gas" (very low octane) with a relatively retarded ignition, but when I
put the hi-test stuff in (89 or better (R+M)/2) I have to advance it again
to get reasonable power out of it.

John R. Lupien

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