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RE: Car Detailing Secrets Of The Deranged

Subject: RE: Car Detailing Secrets Of The Deranged
From: Bob Tufts <rbt@itc.Kodak.COM>
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1993 15:48:23 -0400

>From: Bob Lang 

I liked Scott's diatribe, however:

Warning: Dishwashing liquids contain _ammonia_. This is _BAD_ for your car's 

Over and out.

Well I'm no chemist, and raw amonia may be bad for many other things besides
a car finish, but consider that dish washing detergent is meant to wash
dishes, Right? I'm sure the safety nazis would be all over people like
Proctor & Gamble if you weren't meant to put a spoon into your mouth after
rinsing. One of P&G's products, Dawn is recomended in the book :"Secrets of
the Show Cars" (is this where the thread title started?) as good overall
car wash (cuts through greasey film). 

The label on Dawn does not specifically mention amonia but: "Contains No
Phosphorus -Ingredients:Cleansing & sudsing agents(anionic, nonionic and
amphoteric surfactants), despensing aid (ethyl alcohol), water, stabilizing 
agents, colorant and perfume."  (anionic having something to do with electron
charge toward the anode).

I guess the key is even if the product contains amonia, how much of that is
in a few tablespoons, that in turn is diluted in a 2 gallon pail, and in 
turn rinsed off with mucho gallons of water?

To each his own, but I like the results better than carwash products that
cost more. It works for me! :-)

-Bob T.    

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