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cat stink saga

Subject: cat stink saga
Date: 04 Sep 1993 11:16:44 -0500 (CDT)
I want to thank all the SOLers out there who responded to me
plea for help on the insidious stink that one of our cats
deposited into the driver's seat of the B. The stink is now
completely gone without a trace. For any of you unlucky
souls (SOLs) who happen to become inflected with the same
malady, here's how we did it:
1. Remove the seat and -completely- disassemble it.
2. Thoroughly wash everything, seat covers and all, in soap
   and water. Rinse well.
3. In a larger vat, soak everything in a heavy vinegar
   solution. Let it all stand for a good 24 hours. Rinse.
4. Purchase one of the several enzyme solutions on the market
   that are intended to remove urine. Apply the solution,
   place the item in a plastic garbage bag and let it stand
   overnight. (The garbage bag slows the evaporation rate.)
5. Rinse everything well and start the drying process. This
   will take several days, especially for the seat foams.
It all seemed to work well. The product we wound up using
for the enzyme treatment came from a janitorial supply house
and is used to clean carpets, urinals and the like of any
kind of urine.
A Caveat. In our case, there was one important intervening
factor in all this: About halfway through, our hot water
heater decided to explode, sending 40 gallons of water 
though walls, onto floors, the whole works. It took
several days to get everything cleaned back up, walls
rebuilt and a new water heater installed. (I had no idea,
by the way, that lead-free solder would be so damned 
Ok, that's it from smell-free denton. Now if I can just
get the pesky brake-light switch to behave, the oil leak 
fixed, the weber rebuilt, the clunk in the frontend found
and fixed, etc., etc, etc. ...

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