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Re: Re: Wipers

Subject: Re: Re: Wipers
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 93 14:20:22 pdt
> From:
> Date: Mon, 21 Jun 93 16:18 EDT
> To: akgua!att!!,
> Subject: Re: Wipers
>      The wipers on my MGA see wimpy.  Surely, we can re-engineer
> these things.  Any body tried this before ?

Some suggestions:

1.  Change the packing grease.  After 30+ years, this stuff gets mighty
    thick, if not downright solid.  I'm gonna do this myself one of 
    these days.

2.  Replace those wimpy wiper arms with the two-section hinge type with
    the little springs in them.  This will increase the blade pressure 
    on the windshield.  

3.  Item 2 may load the motor and slow the blades down a bit.  This can 
    be overcome somewhat by using the next smaller size blades.


Don't drive your LBC in the rain.  That's what Japanese econoboxes are 

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