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Re: Voltmeters vs. Ampmeters

Subject: Re: Voltmeters vs. Ampmeters
From: (George Jefferson)
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 93 12:26:07 EDT
        Which brings us round to the most likely explanation for why we see more
        voltmeters than ampmeters in cars these days: they're cheap, easy to 
        and the average car-buying doofus doesn't pay attention to them anyway 
        they sure look cool in the dash).

without putting way too much thought into this.. It seems that the
relative merits of voltage vs current indication will depend on
whether you have a generator/mechanical regulator or an alternator/linear
regulator set up.
With a modern charging system a volt meter does give you an indication
of charge/discharge.  If you put a volt meter on a DC generator system
the indication would jump about with engine rpm ( within the regulated limits )
I'd think this would be _very_ confusing to many drivers.

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