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Re: more for the dictionary

Subject: Re: more for the dictionary
From: (T.J. Higgins)
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 92 8:53:22 CDT (Andrew C. Green) writes:
> Tell you what, everyone: to cut down on the bandwidth here (and I'm as big
> an offender as anyone on this topic), why don't you all just Email me your
> additions, humorous and otherwise, and I'll post ONE listing of them all
> in a few days' time.
> Please be BRIEF in your submissions, as I may be opening a Pandora's Box
> here and I want to preserve my disk quota!

Actually, I think maintaining a file such as this is a very good idea.
However, I also think it should be limited to automotive terms only, 
and not degenerate into a "Dictionary of British slang."

Perhaps someone who has the Bentley or Haynes manual with all the
terms in the front could type them in and send them to Andrew?

Here's one I don't recall seeing in the recent discussions:
British = rev counter
American = tachometer
T.J. Higgins | | Intergraph Mapping Sciences | Huntsville, AL
"We must believe in luck.  For how else can we explain 
 the success of those we don't like?" -- Jean Cocteau

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