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Re: Too much mail

To: (SOL mail list)
Subject: Re: Too much mail
From: a106d!tj@uunet.UU.NET (T.J. Higgins)
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 91 16:23:35 CST
Timothy Lyle Smith writes:
>   With all the talk about newsgroups and overflowing mailboxes I can offer
> another solution, or hassle depending on how you look at it.  I have a 
> program that will reroute mail from various places to various other places
> without putting it in your mailbox.  

For those of you using the ELM mailer, the "filter" program that comes
with ELM does this same thing.
T.J. Higgins    205-730-7922  |    (Internet)
Intergraph Corp.  M/S IW17A5  |  uunet!ingr!higgins  (uucp)
Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A.   |  b17a!tj  (Intergraph internal)

        "Illegal aliens have always been a problem in the United States.
         Ask any Indian." -- Robert Orben.

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