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Fuzzy dice and safety

To: uunet!Alliant.COM!british-cars@uunet.UU.NET
Subject: Fuzzy dice and safety
From: mit-eddie!tellab5.tellabs.COM!kegel@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Dave Kegel)
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 90 12:05:51 CDT
Hello everyone, I'm re-mailing this because I think it bounced, so if
some of you get see this more than once, I'm sorry.

I'm replacing my windscreen frame-body seal on my TR6 and I'm not sure if
I should use some kind of sealer along with it.  It looks as though there is
some type of caulking material between the old seal and body, but I think this
was added by smeone in an attempt to fix a leak.  I believe the Bentley or
Haynes manual mentions some Triumph part number for a sealer but I have no
idea what that is.

Any suggestions are appreciated.  Thanks,

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