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Lars Report

Subject: Lars Report
From: mit-eddie!RELAY.CS.NET!
Date: 17 Jul 90 10:09:48 EDT
 British Car Day WAS well attended. To put in perspective: there were more
BRITISH cars there than cars in total at most other local car shows.
 I appreciate the compliments about my car. Guess the red color and fold-
down windshield got you. Mine is more an every day beater, with work
usually done just before "show time", a quick wash, and air-dry on the way.
I call it "rebuilt", not "restored" (I like to make that distinction) and
no way compares to most other cars at the show.
 I met Tom Watt, Mike Tobin & son, and Gary Archer & family. Gary and I
had many laughs about cars and wifes that don't understand "car-lust".
Gary is a typical Brit:  you can take the Brit out of Britain, but you
can't take the car-lust away from the Brit.
Hey Mike:  Donald didn't make Healeys just to sit in garages. 
(you'll be sorry you met me! I'm a motivator of Healeys in need of
repair.) You start with just one piece: remove, repair, repaint, re-...,
and move on to next piece. I expect plan of action in 2 weeks.
 Besides other Healey Club friends, I also met other Healey owners,
two of whom are looking for repair help & info. I enjoy the nuts&bolts
side of cars, and getting Healeys back on the street. (If only my wife
understood that Healey repairs are much more important than home repairs.)

  July 22nd: Healey Club at Miles Standish State Forest.
  Aug 5th(?); Duster's car show, Lowell, Mass.
  Aug 11,12  Healey club at Owl's Head Museum in Maine.
  Aug 26th:  British on the Green car show, Granby, Conn.
             (Similiar to LARS ANDERSON show, but I haven't made it yet).
  Labor Day weekend:  Lime Rock Vintage Fall Festival. 

(Call me Mike if still interested in "insurance questions".)

Happy Healeying... Duane Walzer WALZER@ENP.PRIME.COM  (508) 879-2960x3482

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