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Re: electronic ignition

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: electronic ignition
From: mit-eddie!EBay.Sun.COM!mutchler@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Dan Mutchler)
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 90 07:24:38 PDT
//Have any of you replaced the old system with one of the
//electronic ignition systems available?
Yes, and the Prince of Darkness will never haunt my ignition
system again.

//I'd like to know which type(and brand) you have, your thoughts
//on the installation and the performance change.  Are you glad
//you did it?  
I installed the Allison unit on our '75 Spit and it has proved to
be very reliable. Installation was not terribly difficult although
it did take me a couple of hours to get it to cooperate. Once installed
however it has never given me a seconds trouble. I highly recommend
the Allison unit. I've just purchased the hot street coil from
Allison to install when the engine goes back in the car. I'm
curious to see if this makes any difference.

Dan Mutchler                       | ARPA/Internet:  mutchler@EBay.Sun.COM
Sun Federal System Engineer        | UUCP:           ...!sun!mutchler
Philosophy is the talk on a cereal box.
Religion is the smile on a dog.
                           Edie Brickell

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