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Triumph Sports Six Club

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Triumph Sports Six Club
From: "S.W. Cox CMP Staff" <mit-eddie!!swc@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Thu, 3 May 90 15:21:19 BST
Here's an ad. for a club I'm a member in.

With the recent talks about Triumph clubs I was wondering if anyone was 
interested in the Triumph Sports Six Club of the UK. It caters for all Herald
chassis derivative cars, that is: HERALDS, SPITFIRES, GT6S, VITESSES, BOND
EQUIPES and specials.

 Although it's based in this country it has members all over the world 
including most of Europe, America and Australia - numbering over 16,000. It 
produces 'The Courier' an 80 page colour magazine every month along with other 
publications on specific makes, area reports and ads. - I think it's about 
27 publications a year.

To give you an idea of the Courier's contents it contains sections on all
of the makes, an international section and specialist sections on more detailed
stuff - for example, recent editions have included bits on SU carbs, changing 
leaf springs, lead free petrol with Triumph engines and gearbox maintenance.

It also has ads for specialist Triumph parts - many with club discounts - 
which I expect could be exported It also makes various regalia from key fobs and
ash-trays to clothes and car models based upon photos of members Triumphs.
It can also supply car insurance with member specified value.

On of the best things though is a list of members - mostly in the UK but
also worldwide - who would provide help to those who are stranded or in need
of help, such as advice, specialist tools, tows and beds for the night.

Membership costs: # = pounds sterling

UK     #24     (#22 renewal)
Europe #25
Other  #28

It's organized around regional groups with monthly meetings which put
on events around the year.

If you're interested, contact:

121b St. Marys Road,
Market Harborough,
Leics LE16 7TD.

Phone: UK 0858 34424
Fax:   UK 0858 31936

and mention the membership no. 89/26494 in the Norfolk area.

    __     __
   |  \   /  |
   ||| \_/ |||           Steve Cox
   |||||||||||           School of Info. Systems,
   |||||||||||           UEA,
   |||||||||||           Norwich,
 __|||||||||||__         Norfolk  UK.
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   \ TRIUMPH /

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