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RE: air system

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: air system
From: "Early, Stephen" <>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 09:17:24 -0500
A good idea but the laws of physics aren't on your side.  In order to put
the air back in the tank you'd have to pressurize it above the holding tank
pressure.  Since the door weight is not sufficient to do this you'd need
something to compress the air, thus an air compressor.  Of course if you do
figure out a method that does not require additional 'work' (work=force x
distance), you will have invented a perpetual machine and I'd be very happy
to be your business partner.

Stephen I. Early
Portfolio Conversions
Technology Sector-MBNA America
800.441.7048 x74788

-----Original Message-----
From: Serge Berube []
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 07:01
Subject: air system

I wonder if we can think of something do put in air system that when we
our doors that the air goes back in air tank...that way would be less
stressfull on compressor...anyone have suggesstion? Serge vin 1733

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