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Re: his that for real

Subject: Re: his that for real
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 01:28:50 EST
No offense meant to the Delorean owners out there but NO the D was not an
improvement on the Bricklin.  And being as JZD had some of the same staff
for him that was on the Bricklin team, that would explain some of the
similarities.  Both were not fiberglass bodies since the D had a stainless
steel body
(thats why it didnt need paint)  After recognizing the fact that the B had a
ton of problems with it from manufacturing that by the way were not corrected
the second go round on the D and other problems were there on the D that were
not on the B such as a very flexible framework.  Anyway that is my 2 cents
worth on the subject.  No I'm not an expert on automotive manufacturing, but I
have had my hands on my fair share of Bricklins to know their good points and
bad after working on them in Terry Tanner's shop for 7 years now.

John Lodge

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