I changed all of my air hoses over from the compression fittings and
standard hose to bayonet fittings and a rubber "type" hose. I don't
remember exactly what hose it was......but my doors no longer leak. Left my
car for a week vacation, cam back and the doors went up easily. This works
really well. I cut them over 2 years ago and have had little trouble. If
anyone would like info on this let me know, I got the part#'s and where to
get them written at home.
At 09:27 AM 2/18/98 EST, Isensee@aol.com wrote:
>One of the lines for my air door system is leaking and I can't get it sealed.
>I have tried replacing the brass compression fitting, shortening the hose to a
>fresh spot, and using a new nut. I repeated this a couple of times then tried
>placing silicone over the fitting. None of this has stopped the leak. It is a
>small leak, but enough to drain the system in a day. I can verify it is
>leaking by placing some soapy water on the fitting and watching it bubble.
>Any ideas on how to get this sealed? The hose is old and rather stiff so my
>next guess is that it is too hard for the compression fitting to bite into
>adequately. If I don't hear any better ideas, I will next try replacing the
>Scott Isensee