What is the limit? Anyone know? I got pulled over once in Mountain View
for my exhaust, which isn't that modified or that loud (but I had just,
er, gone up to about 7000rpm. Its quieter than a ferrari, but its louder
than stock).
The cop told me that "Modified Exhauts are illegal" (I kept quiet), and
let me off with a warning not to rev that high in an urban area again. We
think he was expecting to pull me over for speeding (I basically let off
the throttle at 35 and didn't), and had called my plate in, but then I
didn't do anything, so he had to say something.
Good luck with fighting it, anyway.
On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Vitaly Iourtchenko wrote:
> I decided to fight my modified exhaust ticket -- does anyone
> have a dB meter I can borrow?
> Thanks,
> Vitaly 87 CSP del Sol