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Re: Fort Myers ProSolo on local TV news!

Subject: Re: Fort Myers ProSolo on local TV news!
From: "Arthur Emerson" <>
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 04:17:43 wrote:
> writes:
><< Anyway, Team HUOA taped the broadcast, and I'll get it digitized
>   one of these days.....
>What does "Team HUOA" stand for????

Sorry, but only a select few individuals outside of the
organization are permitted to know the *true* meaning of the
acronym.  I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill
you. :-)

>Since I founded "Team Laughing Stock" in 1997, it seems as
>though every "Johnny Joe" wants  to cash in on the "Team

Team HUOA has been around since at least 1997, and the history
can be verified by looking at past ProSolo/Tour/Nationals
entries.  Team HUOA's greatest moment was documented in the
F-Stock coverage in SportsCar back in 1999, when it received a
mention in the article.  I recall giving the "HUOA salute" to
Bruce Bellom at the 1998 Jacksonville ProSolo opener's trophy
presentation, and the group was pretty well established by

Membership is only granted through secret ballot, and the
selection criteria to get onto the ballot is secret.  All
of the present members are Northeast drivers, although one of
our latest members is a Virginia transplant that we "yankee-ized"
the dixie out of. :-)  If he says "y'all" around any team
member, he's out of the club forever! :-)

So, before you go classifying Team HUOA as another copy-cat,
realize that we have existed just as long and have an attack
submarine in our arsenal..... :-)

-Arthur ("Finally earned my HUOA membership in 2000" edition.)


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