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Re: Mid-Winter Party (SCCA Convention)

To: "Roger Johnson" <>,
Subject: Re: Mid-Winter Party (SCCA Convention)
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 17:35:43 -0600
-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Johnson <>
To: A-Team.Net (Group) <>
Cc: Evo-Discuss (Group) <>
Date: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 12:36 PM
Subject: Mid-Winter Party (SCCA Convention)

>  The cost for the Denver trip is pretty cheap in comparison to some in
>the past (hotel @ $59, for example).

An excellent hotel value. Unfortunately, the tariff for self and spouse to
do the **actual convention** is $550, which is WAY beyond realistic and the
sole reason we will not attend (we planned to attend last year, bailed when
we saw the price; this year is even more expensive).

For about a quarter of that price last September we got to:

>-Meet face-to-face with the SEB and [some of] the Board of Directors, to
get direct answers to your burning questions.

>-Exchange ideas with folks from all over the country.

>-Talk to Howard Duncan, up-front, for-real, in person <g>.

>-Meet and talk to the new SCCA President, Steve Johnson.

And there was an autocross too!

I've been to several conventions. Always enjoyed them. A worthwhile
experience. But lately SCCA seems to feel its membership is on a financial
par with the ABA or AMA and has priced its convention beyond the reach of
Average Joe. Nobody there but the retired and rich old gray guys.

My budget is better spent autocrossing and road racing. D'ya realize what
$550 will cover? On a rough tally, Solo II entry fees for a National, a
Divisional and about 20 or so local events (a full and busy season). Or
three road racing weekends (half a season). It's nearly a full set of tires.
It's a full family membership for seven years. It's a really nice Snell
SA2000 helmet, good until 2015 (2010 for racers). It's a full set of Nomex,
good forever. It's a new gearbox, a new diff, or that sexy set of roller
rockers for my engine.

(And BTW, I've already made my complaint to my area director, who passed it
on to Steve Johnson, who replied to me that he hopes to do something in the
future to reduce that cost -- of course, by the time I squawked this year it
was really too late to do anything about Convention 2001; they were
committed. I appreciate Steve's quick response, fully aware that an equally
quick solution just was not a realistic possibility. It's a long-term

--Rocky Entriken

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