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Re: What's wrong with this pitcure?!?

To: "washburn" <>, "Paul Foster" <>
Subject: Re: What's wrong with this pitcure?!?
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 12:18:25 -0600
>Paul Foster wrote:
>> Mark Sipe responds:
>> <<<The only thing wrong with this picture is that the artist is
>> color-blind. >>>
>> Color-blind?!? Here a National Champion sends a letter to the SEB
>> stating that he believes the 4 seater Porsche 924/044/968-type cars be
>> allowed into SM, and instead of receiving a notification that the letter
>> was received he gets a rationalization why Howard is opposed to such a
>> move based on times from this year's Nationals to support it, and you
>> call that color-blind?!?
>> Paul Foster

So, instead of mere acknowledgement, he gets dialogue? This is wonderful!

The writer is now armed with information that may be raised in opposition to
his position, thus enabling him to better counter that opposition. How often
have you seen a proposal go down in flames because of concerns the proposer
had no idea was in the opponents' minds?

You cannot address issues you don't know are at issue. In a different
context, I have often done the same thing. I am not the one making the
decision, but if I can I will shoot holes in someone's proposal. Then, when
it gets to the board making the decision, he may also be able to patch those
holes and, thus, have a better and more complete proposal. If I really want
to shoot you down, I'm not going to reveal my ammunition ahead of time.

By letting the writer know in advance what he perceives as problems with a
proposal, Howard did him a favor. And went above and beyond to do so. He did
not need to take the time to pen a thoughtful reply when he could as easily
have sent a boilerplate "your letter has been received" acknowlegement.

--Rocky Entriken

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