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Re: Mower racing vs ProSolo

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Mower racing vs ProSolo
From: "Alan Pozner" <>
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 10:06:42 -0400
Mike Lowe wrote in part:
>      Does the SCCA as a corporate entity market autox in ANY media?
> Was Danielle Engstrom hired to do anything about my perceived
> shortcoming?  I hope this wasn't too long-winded but I had to vent.

I think the question to ask is not "why don't we get TV coverage?" but "do
we want TV coverage?"

I would be very happy if my wins were televised nationally and I became a
local celebrity. But this is a GRASS ROOTS MOTORSPORT and the complexion
would really change if the media (translated - big money) were to be
involved. Look at NASCAR Winston cup. The recent influx of media money has
"turned it up a notch" Now to win you must have a multi-car team. The price
of poker just went up.

I wonder if the same folks who want auto-x on TV are the same folks who are
concerned with the high cost to be competitive (see the street tire thread
and the HS thread). Ask yourself how many cheater R tires or cheater 140
treadwear street tires would there be if tires that won on Sunday were
advertised as such and sold on Monday?

I'm all for progress and change but some growth is not good.


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