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Nationals Tune-up and Advanced Drivers School

Subject: Nationals Tune-up and Advanced Drivers School
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 18:16:14 EDT
Learn by observing some of the BEST So Cal Drivers "Tune Up" for the Solo 2 
Nationals. 50 car limit at Hollywood Park, Aug 21 & 22. Pre Register 
ONLY!!!!!!! $75.00 for two days-1st day will have skid pad & slalom practice 
areas as well as a small course. Sunday's will be a large course, with few 
cones, like Nationals. This event isn't for beginners. All entries will be 
scrutinized, Nationals Drivers will get priority. The event is filling up 
fast, so if you're interested---Please send a generic SCCA entry form to Guy 
Ankeny 4790 Del Rio St. Simi Valley Ca 93063 with a check made out to GRA ( 
Guldstrand Racing Assoc. ) Questions 805-527-1137

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