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RE: Fwd: Protest Oil Companies

To: "'Bradley H. Lamont'" <>,
Subject: RE: Fwd: Protest Oil Companies
From: John Steczkowski <>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 16:18:03 -0500
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bradley H. Lamont []
> Sent: Monday, April 12, 1999 3:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Fwd: Protest Oil Companies 
> At 02:41 PM 4/9/99 , John Steczkowski said:
> >
> >I've got news for you. I moved from Austin, TX when regular 
> unleaded was
> >$1.10/gallon to Portland Oregon where gas was $1.50 or more a gallon.
> This is an interesting point.  What price would gas have to 
> rise to before
> fuel economy became an issue for most drivers?
> My car usually takes about 12 gallons.  So going from $1.10 
> to $1.50 (which
> is about what its done here in Chicago), raises the fill up cost from
> $13.20 to $18.  Not a big deal.
> But what if gas went up to $4.00/gallon like in most other industrial
> nations?  Then it would be $48 per fill up.  That would 
> probably be enough
> to get me to consider gas mileage on my next car.
> What about the general population?  At what price do SUVs become less
> attractive - at $4/gallon an SUV costs over $100 to fill up.

In my case, going from 1.10 to 4.00/gallon bumps my fillup cost from $44 to
$160. (OUCH!!!)

But, what are my alternative? My Suburban typically has a minimum of 4
people in it, at the end of the summer, it will be a minimum of 5 (I don't
drive it to work). In the mornings, when my wife car pools to school, it has
at least 6 and occasionally 8. So, what are my options on transportation? A
minivan would save me maybe 10 or 15% in gas mileage, so I'd guess I'd just
keep the Suburban.

John Steczkowski
Director of Software Engineering
Crossroads Systems, Inc.

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