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WARNING humer alert! tree hugging hippy crap

Subject: WARNING humer alert! tree hugging hippy crap
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 11:01:53 EST
  What's all this emission talk anyway, this is racing (excuse me, low speed
car control events), not the cieara club.
  Face it, your all just made because neither your Volvo or you VW camper will
ever do well in solo 2, just because your Berkinstoks don't allow for left
foot breaking is no reason to get your tie died panties in a knot.
  Lets get real here, we are talking about SP, that's maybe 100 or so cars in
the country, about .001% of the cars raced in this country alone, making them
run cats is not going to save the rain forests, now making your diesel Rabbit
pass smog will help!
  What we are talking about is performance gains, thats what we all wan't, and
my car WILL pass a smog test, so I can sleep at night, dreaming of hugging a
big tree.
  Curt (if dolphins are so smart, why do they live in iglo's) Ormiston
      The preceding is not necessarily the opinion of Curt Ormiston, as he is
groggy and delirious from being up all night packing for his move back to the
forests of Washington.

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