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Re: SP rules on catalytic converters, a dead horse of a differant color

To: <>
Subject: Re: SP rules on catalytic converters, a dead horse of a differant color
From: "Justin Hughes" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 10:42:37 -0500
>It's not against the law to not have them, it's illegal (I believe) to
>remove them. There's a difference.

That's my understanding as well.  My girlfriend's '71 Nova obviously has no
cat, and she is not legally required to have one.  But if I remove the cat
from my '83 BMW it's a federal offense!  If I didn't want a cat, I should've
gotten a '77-'79 320i, which didn't have them and, like the Nova, are not
required to.

    - Justin

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