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Kumho availability

Subject: Kumho availability
From: Sam Strano <>
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 11:24:49 -0500
Well, here's the deal.

>From Rudy @ Kumho:

The sizes 225/50-14, 255/50-16, 335/35-17, and 275/40-18 are approved
projects for 1999.  Rudy has also requested the following sizes (but are
yet to be determined) 225/50-13, 225/45-13, 245/30-18, 295/35-18, and
335/30-18.  He has not heard a firm promise date (which means there is no
way CUT or TireRack could have one).  Probably alot easier to say that than
"we don't know". 

FWIW, CUT wouldn't say that to clear out it's 205 stock, as they will still
be a very much used tire by road racers, and is staying in the lineup.  So,
the 225 is coming, probably not in the next month or so, but it is approved
and will be built.  Just hang on.  And the line is not shut-down.

Sam Strano

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