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Re: FF2000 proposal in Solo II CM class

To: "Godula, Gary (G.M.)" <>
Subject: Re: FF2000 proposal in Solo II CM class
From: Rex <>
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 2003 08:04:29 -0600
      Good arguments on all, but I have to take exception here:

>This proposal would not improve vehicle value as older FF2000 cars can 
>complete successfully in a regional Club CF class in club racing.
Only a few divisions have a Club Continental class. SOWDIV does not.  
You need to have a pushrod suspension car to run in the front half of 
the field.  Unless you are Dave W. you need a Van Diemen 1995 or later.

>  Early to late 1980's FF1600 cars, which comprise 75%+ of the CM class, are 
>not competitive in FF road racing and are therefore available for Solo II 
>competition at a reasonable cost.  There are far more 1980's FF1600 cars in 
>existence than FF2000 cars.
I wish we had some real numbers here. I'm not sure that's true. The last 
time I actively sought a formula car, I was looking for a FF and kept 
tripping over orphaned FCs.  I finally gave in and bought an FC.

>  Any rules addressing conservation of vehicle value should favor the larger 
>groupings of cars and the number of competitors affected.  As very few FF2000 
>cars compete in BM, one would assume that the demand for FF2000 cars to be 
>competitive in SCCA Solo II is very small. 
That 's not a valid assumption. How many FC owners/propective owners 
have considered Solo, then read the rulebook and realized they'd be 
running against Formula Atlantics?  An actual FA showing up at a Solo 
event is pretty rare, I expect, but it only takes one to ruin the day 
for anything else that enters the event in BM.  And Atlantics are 
relatively rare compared to FCs, especially in the lower rungs of the 
affordability ladder.  The current BM rules favor a few cars over a 
large pool of  semi-orphaned FCs that are in the price range that most 
Solo guys are looking at.

The whole poiint is to allow a larger pool of non-competitive road 
racing cars to compete in Solo.  If  they can't work in CM without major 
bastardization, then  is there another alternative?  A new class? 

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