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Total 68 documents matching your query.

1. Re: Ground Clearance (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 23:26:46 EST
Bill: That sounds about right and I have brand new motor mounts. Yes, the oil pan on the TD is the first thing to scrape when you run out of clearance. My TD's oil pan bears many scars. But the TD st
/html/mg-t/2001-03/msg00005.html (7,282 bytes)

2. Re: To Tube or Not to Tube (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 19:41:37 EST
Got 30 years on my TD without tubes, and it didn't have tubes on when I bought it. I've hit some good pot holes too. But maybe I've just been lucky. Bob Donahue (Still stuck in the '50s) EMAIL - BOBM
/html/mg-t/2001-02/msg00043.html (7,189 bytes)

3. Re: MGB Winter/Choke Question (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 23:24:10 EST
I drove my B in similar temps today on a trip and had a similar experience with the temp gauge. I didn't have the radiator or the oil cooler blocked in any way. I had to leave the choke partially ope
/html/mg-t/2001-02/msg00100.html (7,404 bytes)

4. TD Thermostat Question (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 23:06:20 EST
The thermostat in my TD doesn't seem to regulate the temperature all that well. On a hot 90+ deg day, the gauge sometimes hits 195F. In the winter at freezing, the gauge only gets up to 160F. Is this
/html/mg-t/2001-01/msg00059.html (6,760 bytes)

5. Tip on Replacing TD Starter (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 22:35:39 EST
The shop manual says the exhaust system must be removed in order to change the starter. I had no problem installing a new starter with the exhaust system in place. With a little manipulation the star
/html/mg-t/2000-11/msg00098.html (7,524 bytes)

6. FYI: Handy Oil Dispenser (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 19:09:30 EDT
I found a real handy device at the local mega-mart. It's a little pump/hose that fits a standard quart oil bottle. For the first time ever, I was able to top up the tranies on the B and TD without ge
/html/mg-t/2000-10/msg00034.html (6,733 bytes)

7. TD Windshield Wiper Motor (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 23:00:17 EDT
I just cleaned up the wiper motor from my TD. It runs but gets mighty warm. Is this normal? Are there any specs I can check, like resistance or current draw. Bob Donahue (Still stuck in the '50s) EMA
/html/mg-t/2000-09/msg00011.html (6,709 bytes)

8. XPAG Oil Pump Prime Question (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 00:04:27 EDT
I recently did a partial engine overhaul on my '52 TD over a seven month period. When it was time to start her up, I experienced the dreaded lost oil pump prime. My pump is an early model without the
/html/mg-t/2000-09/msg00141.html (7,393 bytes)

9. Piston Velocity (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 00:27:53 EDT
Bob Donahue (Still stuck in the '50s) EMAIL - BOBMGT@AOL.COM 52 MGTD - under DIY restoration NEMGTR #11470 71 MGB - AMGBA #96-12029, NAMGBR #7-3336
/html/mg-t/2000-08/msg00008.html (6,534 bytes)

10. Is this a leak or not? (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2000 23:39:43 EDT
The bottom of the jets on my TD's carbs are always wet with gas. The back one is just wet. If you touch your finger to it, then smell your finger; it smells like gas. The front one usually has a half
/html/mg-t/2000-08/msg00015.html (6,923 bytes)

11. Grille and TD in Hot Weather (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 08:13:54 EDT
Since the weather has heated up to the 90's, I've been having a slight overheating problem (running 195-200 deg F instead of the usual 185). I've recently installed a new Moss chrome radiator grille.
/html/mg-t/2000-08/msg00030.html (6,656 bytes)

12. Re: TD Choke Cable (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 23:46:00 EDT
I've considered putting a brace on the back side of the dash to stop the flexing when the choke is pulled (although XPAG's don't seem to need any choke!). Has anyone tried this? Bob Donahue (Still st
/html/mg-t/2000-08/msg00128.html (7,536 bytes)

13. Exon Valdees in my garage (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 00:03:37 EDT
I changed the oil in my TD today and put in a new felt oil filter. I started up the engine, watching the oil gauge. There was the usual 'new-filter-oil-pressure-delay' of several seconds. There was a
/html/mg-t/2000-08/msg00147.html (8,063 bytes)

14. What's better, Paper or Felt? (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 00:18:36 EDT
I see Moss carries both paper and felt oil filter elements for the TD. I see the paper one is cheaper, but which one is better? Bob Donahue (Still stuck in the '50s) EMAIL - BOBMGT@AOL.COM 52 MGTD -
/html/mg-t/2000-08/msg00148.html (6,627 bytes)

15. Another TD Oil Filter Question (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 09:00:01 EDT
The felt filters I've been using come with two different rubber seals. I've always used the thicker one. Is this the right one? I had a canister seal failure last night and dumped most of my oil on t
/html/mg-t/2000-08/msg00152.html (6,440 bytes)

16. Re: Exon Valdees in my garage (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 23:49:16 EDT
Bingo! There is an inner groove that I didn't even realize was there. And it had a rock hard 50 year old ring in it. The felt filters I've been using come with a thick ring and a thin ring. All these
/html/mg-t/2000-08/msg00175.html (9,774 bytes)

17. Re: MG TD Voltage Regulator Cooking Battery? (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2000 00:25:03 EDT
I don't have any actual figures at hand, but it takes more additional voltage to charge a given current into the battery than the voltage drop that occurs when you discharge the same current. I.E. y
/html/mg-t/2000-07/msg00004.html (7,401 bytes)

18. Why do Valves like Marvel Mystery Oil so much? (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 15:23:24 EDT
I'm in the process of breaking-in a partially rebuilt XPAG engine. It has new pistons and rings, new stellite valves, hardened valve seats, (in fact every moving part on the head was replaced or refu
/html/mg-t/2000-07/msg00022.html (7,621 bytes)

19. TD hesitation (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 22:04:36 EDT
When I slow way down (like for a sharp curve or stop sign), down shift, then attempt to accelerate; the engine stumbles for a second before taking off. This just started about a week ago, and I can't
/html/mg-t/2000-07/msg00036.html (6,659 bytes)

20. Re: TD Carburetor Leak (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 02:13:47 EDT
I tried the Permatex #2 on the fiber washers and it worked like a charm. Hopefully the coating was thin enough that nothing squished out. This is a great relief as I'm sure I was pushing my luck by t
/html/mg-t/2000-06/msg00026.html (7,031 bytes)

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