I don't have any actual figures at hand, but it takes more additional
voltage to charge a given current into the battery than the voltage drop that
occurs when you discharge the same current. I.E. you may have to raise the
battery voltage 3 volts to charge it at 15 amps, whereas the battery may only
lose a half volt when you put a 15 amp load on it. (You might say it's easier
to take energy out of a battery than to put it back in.)
In a message dated 7/1/00 2:16:19 PM !!!First Boot!!!,
fogbro1@bellatlantic.net writes:
> Bob,
> Please explain:
> "BTW: Batteries have a much higher internal resistance when charging
> than when
> discharging."
> Ed Woods
Bob Donahue (Still stuck in the '50s)
52 MGTD - under DIY restoration NEMGTR #11470
71 MGB - AMGBA #96-12029, NAMGBR #7-3336