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References: [ 31 ]

Total 31 documents matching your query.

1. re:synthetic oil (score: 1)
Author: Greg Tobin <>
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 92 06:26:08 PST
Synthetic Oil in an *L*BC??? At the rate my triumph goes through 99" oil- I could go broke pretty quick with Syntec!!!! (^; Greg
/html/british-cars/1992-12/msg00085.html (6,529 bytes)

2. RE: LBCs as daily transport (score: 1)
Author: Greg Tobin dtn 224-1648 aka LKARCK::GREG <>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 92 10:31:02 PST
I'll say. I *had* to drive my spitfire for about 9 months after my 'reliable' transportation caught fire. This was from October onward in Boston. about 110 miles round trip. Once it ate the distribu
/html/british-cars/1992-12/msg00117.html (7,578 bytes)

3. Re: MGA/B Engine/Transmission Position (score: 1)
Author: Aka: LKARCK::GREG dtn 224-1648 M635 FC Help Desk <>
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 92 12:03:37 PST
regarding the angle of the engine and trans: carmakers do indedd tilt the engine all over place in order to squeak them under the hoods, so in some cars you have a large rearward drop in the motor, a
/html/british-cars/1992-11/msg00140.html (7,572 bytes)

4. RE: My car was violated (score: 1)
Author: Greg Tobin dtn 224-1648 21064-AA <>
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 92 11:01:33 EDT
This talk about punks stealing gearshift knobs is interesting- I've never heard of people stealing knobs- I mean, if they're the type to steal something- then you know that a walnut gearshifter is th
/html/british-cars/1992-10/msg00058.html (6,791 bytes)

5. re: High Temperature paint (score: 1)
Author: "Life is just a candle, it needs a dream to make a flame" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 92 11:57:47 PDT
re: porcelanized ehaust flaking off That is kind of strange to hear about the porcelin flaking off the manifold - I wouldn't think that would be the case- porcelin takes up to 2000 or more degrees- m
/html/british-cars/1992-07/msg00018.html (8,118 bytes)

6. RE: Goliath ? (score: 1)
Author: Greg Tobin <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 92 08:45:16 PDT
I belive the Goliath was German, and that it had a horrid mechanical fuel injection set up. Thats it. I am tapped out on Goliath trivia!!! (^; My Grandfather had one years ago- it worked for about 50
/html/british-cars/1992-06/msg00163.html (6,559 bytes)

7. Re: Redcar progress, nitpicks (score: 1)
Author: Keys to the Highway <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 92 13:12:10 PDT
re: small horns in small cars I remember a few years back, some legislator in <mumble> state had brought up a law he wanted passed that would have required horns in autos to be in proportion to the s
/html/british-cars/1992-06/msg00369.html (7,375 bytes)

8. Springtime is here! (score: 1)
Author: You too can build a Saturn V in your garage! Call 1-800... <>
Date: Fri, 8 May 92 07:19:14 PDT
Yesiree, it's officialy arrived (for me at least ;^) in Boston!!!! Every morning for the past few years, I pass by a bright blue rubber bumper B in roughly the same stretch of freeway just outside of
/html/british-cars/1992-05/msg00182.html (7,165 bytes)

9. Re: rambling stuff (score: 1)
Author: Greg Tobin <>
Date: Wed, 13 May 92 06:09:52 PDT
The best ones are the people who buy the special option package that includes a rack for their pork-pie hats, and this incredible magnet that automatically turns on when they are merging onto a freew
/html/british-cars/1992-05/msg00258.html (7,595 bytes)

10. RE: Car for sale info (score: 1)
Author: Greg Tobin dtn224-1648 NEA SPS <>
Date: Fri, 15 May 92 08:12:49 PDT
I like the posting of the LBC's (and BBC's for that matter) on the list. Not that I can afford any of them- but it is kinda nice to see whats out there, and for what price. However- if I can find a 5
/html/british-cars/1992-05/msg00307.html (7,638 bytes)

11. Another LBC spotted- (score: 1)
Author: Greg Tobin 21064-AA/dtn 224-1648 'Our hero with the flying tie!' <>
Date: Wed, 20 May 92 06:28:34 PDT
Ok- so I get frantic when I see one on the commute- but I think today I was justified in being excited- I saw a Super 7!! Chrome yellow and NH registration was all I saw before a dump truck cut it of
/html/british-cars/1992-05/msg00390.html (6,888 bytes)

12. More brake bleeding info (score: 1)
Author: Greg Tobin 21064-AA/dtn 224-1648 'Our hero with the flying tie!' <>
Date: Wed, 20 May 92 09:43:34 EDT
Not to throw another subject into the brake bleeding discussion *BUT!* I saw this neat tool in a car magazine the other day for bleeding the brakes. It seems to consist of a hand squeeze vacumn pump,
/html/british-cars/1992-05/msg00392.html (7,783 bytes)

13. RE: Spit OD (score: 1)
Author: Greg Tobin dtn 224-1648/ 21064-AA <>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 92 10:42:42 PDT
Seems as if I have been doing a *bad* thing to my spit with the "J" unit... The OD sticks either on or off, depending on what the switch says- for instance: put the OD in, (hopefully it engages), an
/html/british-cars/1992-04/msg00457.html (7,800 bytes)

14. RE: Spit OD (score: 1)
Author: Greg Tobin/ 21064-AA <>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 92 13:39:37 PDT
Well, reverse isn't a problem for me... It is much like a motorcycle in this respect; I use my feet to back up! A couple of years back I pulled the motor and trans, and while I had the trans on the
/html/british-cars/1992-04/msg00468.html (8,062 bytes)

15. RE: Storing Old Parts (score: 1)
Author: Greg Tobin 21064-AA <>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 92 13:42:53 PDT
Immune to storing old LBC parts??? Not me!!!! Boxes of old trunnions, shocks (from cars that were sold years ago), window cranks, starters (doa of course...), intake manifolds, yes, motor mounts toot
/html/british-cars/1992-04/msg00601.html (7,315 bytes)

16. RE: left over bits (score: 1)
Author: Greg NEA SPS dtn224-1648 21064-AA <>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 92 12:46:09 PST
Back in the early 70's, my dad was fixing the differantial on his Jaguar 420, and when he had finished, he had a 12" bolt left over. He looked for hours that afternoon for the place form whence it ca
/html/british-cars/1992-03/msg00402.html (7,135 bytes)

17. 1500 Header question (score: 1)
Author: Greg Tobin 21064-AA <>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 92 07:48:09 PST
Yessiree-0 spring is *almost* here in NH, and yesterday I unbuttoned the spitfire, put the carb back on, checked for mice, cranked it up, and was off for a semi-legal drive. Ahh- the wind, the sun in
/html/british-cars/1992-03/msg00532.html (7,679 bytes)

18. re: disks in the rain (score: 1)
Author: Greg Tobin dtn 224-1648 <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 93 06:12:06 PST
If the shields behind the disks are to keep the rain off, then mine do a tremendous job; if it is raining out, myspitfire will stop even quicker. The brakes grab harder, and more suddenly if it is we
/html/british-cars/1992-01/msg00088.html (6,845 bytes)

19. RE: And another thing.... (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 91 12:33:41 PST
AHA! Yet one more justification for getting that Super 7... Greg "The spitfire's behind a 3 foot snow bank" Tobin
/html/british-cars/1991-12/msg00329.html (6,625 bytes)

20. $250 tools- (score: 1)
Author: proRodeo <>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 91 12:17:47 PST
How about those big ticket tools you lust over?? The 6" jaw slip joint pliers, the 1 foot gear puller, pipe bending equipment, or some good light for your shop? Brake drum pullers, that 18" jaw vise,
/html/british-cars/1991-12/msg00568.html (6,525 bytes)

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