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References: [ 57 ]

Total 57 documents matching your query.

1. Re: Hillman Husky (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 18:54:57 -0700
Over the last 5 years I have seen 2, maybe 3, different hotrodded Huskies for sale on eBay, and they weren't hobbyist hack-jobs, so it is possible to drop something a bit more vigorous under the hoo
/html/alpines/2005-12/msg00009.html (7,385 bytes)

2. Re: Anyone Take Pictures at SUNI IV? (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 13:50:58 -0600
I want some for the website, and figured it would take week or so for everyone to get back home and all. If you have some I'll be happy to take them. However, I am moving in the first week of August
/html/alpines/2004-07/msg00050.html (8,329 bytes)

3. Re: Am I still here? (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 12:14:01 -0600
I think the big reason for the movement to web-based forums is the perversion by spammers of the mechanism that made e-mail lists useful. The web-based forums provide email-address anonymity, and don
/html/alpines/2003-10/msg00072.html (9,591 bytes)

4. Re: Drilling hole in tempered glass? (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 00:01:25 -0600
Speaking of water... after a quick Google on "drilling tempered glass", this seems to be a FAQ for aquarium hobbyists, and the consensus is NO! But read for yourself: The Google search: http://www.go
/html/alpines/2003-09/msg00004.html (9,410 bytes)

5. Re: SUNI 4 (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 02:38:00 -0600
And there is now a website: -- = J e r o m e Y u z y k | = Sunbeam Alpine Series II #9118636 |
/html/alpines/2003-09/msg00093.html (6,573 bytes)

6. Re: Vanguards Alpine (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 02:58:36 -0700
The white one is a Limited Edition production and has the flaw. The red one is production and correct. I have both. What isn't seen in the pictures on the site or the box is that there are two holes
/html/alpines/2003-04/msg00025.html (7,935 bytes)

7. Re: Vanguards Alpine (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 03:26:08 -0700
Have a look close-up: -- = J e r o m e Y u z y k | = Sunbe
/html/alpines/2003-04/msg00026.html (7,873 bytes)

8. think you know Rootes? (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 18:46:53 -0700
Well, up here it's so cold that you have to yell when you're outside or your voice freezes in the air before it gets to the other person. Really! Fortunately, we have an excellent Internet infrastruc
/html/alpines/2003-03/msg00013.html (8,496 bytes)

9. Re: think you know Rootes? (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 17:47:55 -0700
Good to see some interest in this doodad. There has been some traffic over the last few days, though not everyone is fearless enough to post their score. And 2 (this one and another) disputed questio
/html/alpines/2003-03/msg00035.html (8,800 bytes)

10. Re: think you know Rootes? (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 20:51:45 -0700
Hmmm... traffic dropped off and I see that I was originally subscribed on an address-forward that just expired. So, if you had any comments in the last 3 or 4 days, they went into the bit-bucket. --
/html/alpines/2003-03/msg00043.html (7,214 bytes)

11. Re: [OT] New spamming technique. (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 11:54:16 -0700
Here's what I do. I've been using Internet e-mail for over a decade now, and watched the volume of crap rise (and then fall with the measures I use). I Never, Ever use a good e-mail address to regist
/html/alpines/2003-01/msg00083.html (9,519 bytes)

12. Re: [Re: [Re: Le Mans 1961]-off topic?] (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 17:39:35 -0700
Guys! Your wives/girlfriends/sisters learned this when they were teenagers: Solid colours are more slimming than patterns. So, if you really want to know how to paint your car to match or emphasize i
/html/alpines/2002-12/msg00089.html (8,238 bytes)

13. Re: OFF TOPIC Round-abouts (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 00:18:32 -0700
Here in Edmonton, Alberta, we actually have 1 circle with lights, and have been re-introducing the small British-like neighbourhood ones as traffic-calming measures. -- = J e r o m e Y u z y k | jero
/html/alpines/2002-12/msg00151.html (6,654 bytes)

14. Bag your Alpine (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 19:48:23 -0600
A polythylene bag for your Alpine, with dessicant beads: -- = J e r o m e Y u z y k | = Sunbeam Alpine Series II #9118636 | www
/html/alpines/2002-06/msg00301.html (6,402 bytes)

15. Re: Series 5 battery? (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 23:49:38 -0600
I went to Sears about the same time and smirked when I asked the young salesgirl for a battery. She looked through the AC Delco catalogue, and about 2/3 through took it a stack of batteries and said
/html/alpines/2002-05/msg00171.html (8,183 bytes)

16. Re: Restoration sequence (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 13:33:31 -0600
Ziplock bags are great for larger things, but can be torn up by screws and pointy bits, especially as they get bounced around in boxes. Once they have a hole in them, your parts may as well be loose,
/html/alpines/2002-05/msg00278.html (7,768 bytes)

17. Re: Spam from (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 17:47:48 -0700
I submitted the message to SpamCop, which will notify their ISP (and a whole lot of other admins). -- = J e r o m e Y u z y k | = Sunbeam Alpine Series II #9118636 | www.bss.ab.
/html/alpines/2002-03/msg00227.html (8,258 bytes)

18. British weight measures (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 19:09:09 -0700
only tangentially Alpine-related: I was reading about the history of Humber and there was reference made to the weight of one of their cars being 26 cwt 2 qr . I've seen the 'cwt' measure listed in R
/html/alpines/2002-03/msg00282.html (7,794 bytes)

19. Re: British weight measures (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 17:34:43 -0700
Well, the other responses prompted me to pull this out from a note I sent to my colleagues proposing a new engineering unit: the Buttload dead-tree version with the rectangular magnifier): Butt: A c
/html/alpines/2002-03/msg00293.html (10,006 bytes)

20. Re: I swear, eBay must be a parallel universe... (score: 1)
Author: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 11:07:09 -0700
Oh, come on, guys. You didn't realize that RARE means "RARE to me (the seller) because I've never seen one before." In the early days, I bought some RARE things too, and then after a while I saw the
/html/alpines/2002-02/msg00050.html (11,057 bytes)

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