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Re: British weight measures

To: <>
Subject: Re: British weight measures
From: Jerome Yuzyk <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 17:34:43 -0700
> Thus ends today's lesson in weights and measures.... is it time for
> recess yet???
> Jon Arzt
> Omaha, NE  USA

Well, the other responses prompted me to pull this out from a note I sent 
to my colleagues proposing a new engineering unit:

                          the Buttload

>From The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (my 2-volume 
dead-tree version with the rectangular magnifier):

    A cask for wine or ale, of capacity varying from 108 to 140 gallons. 
    Afterwards also as a measure of capacity = 2 hogsheads, i.e., in ale 
    measure of 108 gallons, in wine measures 126 gallons.


    See Webster's dictionary: 

    "butt--a measure of liquid capacity equal to 126 gallons or two 

    In another dictionary: 

    an English butt is 2 hogshead of 54 imperial gallons each or ~129.7 
    U.S. gallons (i.e., a U.K. butt is apparently slightly bigger than a 
    U.S. one) 

    a Spanish butt is based on a wine cask and is equivalent to 140 U.S. 
    gallons or ~116.6 U.K. gallons (i.e., a Spanish butt is bigger still) 

    So next time someone says they have a "buttload" of stuff, just 
    remember, that is about two 55-gallon barrels' worth of stuff. 

    1 butt equals: 

    2 hogsheads (this is probably the easiest to remember for social 
    476.961 liters
    126 gallons
    104.917 U.K. gallons
    13.5347 bushels
    0.131592 cords
    11.6574 firkins
    4032 gills
    21504 ponys
    4032 noggins
    1008 pints
    96768 teaspoons
    12.0308 ephahs
    1.58987x10^7 drops
    10752 jiggers
    16128 shots
    629.504 wine bottles
    630 fifths

    One microbutt = 0.0968 teaspoons 


    metric buttload (n.),

    1. 2.4710439 English buttlodes.

    2. the capacity of the platinum-iridium International Standard butt, 
       which is housed in Sevres, France, along with the platinum-iridium 
       kilogram and the old bar with the scratches that used to be the 
       standard meter.

And a *load convertor:


=              J e r o m e   Y u z y k |
=    Sunbeam Alpine Series II #9118636 |

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