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References: [ 48 ]

Total 48 documents matching your query.

41. HS6 carbs and high idle (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 21:25:17 EST
went for my first real run tonight since getting and installing my HS6's, and it made me smile. What a difference over my ZS's which had been giving me some problems. One problem, though: when warm
/html/6pack/2001-11/msg00034.html (7,360 bytes)

42. HS6 Carb Conversion (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 11:50:29 EST
thanks for your respective replies. I was indeed using a lightweight oil in the dampeners- changing to engine oil as some recommended along with sorting the linkage, did solve some of the problems I
/html/6pack/2001-11/msg00192.html (7,618 bytes)

43. Siezed Rocker (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2001 20:04:21 EDT
Dear Listers, going down the road yesterday, a leisurely change from 1st into 2nd, yielded a sudden drop in power and a lot of clatter from the engine area. Fearing the worst and then feeling I have
/html/6pack/2001-10/msg00125.html (7,009 bytes)

44. Cylinder Head Thickness and Comp. Ratio (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2001 20:05:20 EDT
Dear List, my second head is in the shop awaiting my instruction as to what thickness it is to be milled to, in order to attain a compression ration of about 9.5:1 They seem unwilling to take off mor
/html/6pack/2001-10/msg00126.html (6,722 bytes)

45. TR6 Engine Dying (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 07:55:50 EDT
Your assistance one more time, if you will. 1974 TR6 with ZS carbs. Been running generally very well, with the exception that I can get only about 12 miles to the gallon, but I had that one saved for
/html/6pack/2001-10/msg00136.html (7,456 bytes)

46. Distributor Orientation (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 20:58:41 EDT
I recently had reason to detach my spark plug wires, and in going to put them back, I whipped out an old picture of the engine prior to the car's 3 year restoration. To my surprise, the plug wires o
/html/6pack/2001-10/msg00242.html (6,794 bytes)

47. Vibration @ High RPMs (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 21:14:01 EDT
thanks to all who take the time and interest to answer my (probably) silly, but nonetheless "important to me" questions. My engine was rebuilt about 1000 miles ago, and hopefully fully "run-in". I h
/html/6pack/2001-10/msg00262.html (7,307 bytes)

48. RE: Re: Vibration @ High RPMs (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 07:12:11 -0400
thanks for your reply. I think it has to be a function of the engine because I got everything balanced (driveshaft, wheels and hubs on the car) to cure a 60mph shake, which I did cure. Also, I can g
/html/6pack/2001-10/msg00264.html (9,308 bytes)

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