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RE: Request for dialogue

To: "Joe Curry" <spitlist@cox.net>
Subject: RE: Request for dialogue
From: "Randall" <tr3driver@comcast.net>
Date: Sat, 28 May 2005 12:06:29 -0700
Cc: <vtr@autox.team.net>, <rbtr3a@cox.net>
In-reply-to: <429726C2.4000107@comcast.net>
Reply-to: "Randall" <tr3driver@comcast.net>
Sender: owner-vtr@autox.team.net
> Seriously, I've been seeing posts show up on the VTR list without seeing
> their precursors and this makes following the conversation hard.

My fault, Wayne, was hoping to move the discussion to the VTR list where it
would be more appropriate.

> If non members can have all or most of
> the benefits of membership, why be a member?

Good point, but it was not my position that VTR should hand out all the benefits
of being a member without being a member, just the maintenance area of the

> I would find this hard to believe, but will wait for an eyewitness
> account to tell us what actually happened. I'd be more willing to
> believe that if NASS applied for chapter status, their application was
> simply ignored or died trying to get noticed. I've been trying for over
> a year to get my local club recognized as a VTR zone, and my
> applications drew no official response either. That part of VTR's
> machinery simply hasn't been working for at least a year.

I've copied Joe Curry on this email, who I believe was an "eyewitness".  Joe, if
you're serious about wanting NASS to be a VTR chapter, now is the time to speak
up.  Ronnie Babbitt is the man to contact, so I've copied him as well.

> Such an approach would be made by VTR officers to NASS officers. I don't
> know about you, but I'd prefer to see command decisions discussed first
> by the elected decision makers rather than on open e-mail lists.

Government in secrecy is always suspect ... I think the "the latest brouhaha"
shows that it's almost always better to inform the governed of decisions before
implementing the decisions.  Especially when they have the power to "vote with
their feet".

> It's up to the board and the webmaster to decide what belongs
> in the open and what should have restricted access.

I suspect the members might have a little to say about it too.

> Web sites come and
> go all the time. They're owned by the people who write, maintain and pay
> for them, and they have the right to decide what goes where.

So you're saying the board pays for the website ?  That's news to me, I thought
it was paid for by membership fees.

I got into this discussion only because I thought restricting the maintenance
area to members (that know what the password is) was a bad idea.  But I've got
to say I'm beginning to understand the charges of "elitist" that have been made.


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