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Re: CART race yesterday

To: David Littlefield <>
Subject: Re: CART race yesterday
From: lwdent <>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 18:36:29 -0500
Speaking of CART arrogance, I had a personal experience that yielded a
chuckle afterward.

I was the Assistant Chief Steward, Safety for the Trans Am held in
conjunction with the CART race at Detroit for a number of years.

On one occasion I was on corner 4 during a CART practice session and
needed to get back to the Trans Am paddock after that session ended. 
One of the CART "crash trucks" pulled into the station midway into the
session.  After the checker I turned to the head man on the crash truck
and said "could you give me a ride around to the T.A. Paddock". He
looked me in the eye and said, in the most nasty voice you could
imagine, "I can't give you no ride", just at that moment he glanced down
to my credential badge that said Act Chief Steward, and, in a complete
change of voice said, "OH YES I CAN".  I rode in on the truck.

I think these guys are all right for the most part but the pressures
exerted on all of them tell in relationships and actions.  It's a shame,
and it's the main reason I quit as the chief announcer at Mid Ohio after
20 years of doing it.  The CART pressure was so bad that I just did not
need it any more.

More the pity.

Larry Dent

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