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RE: SVRA blue / gray at summit point

To: "'Charles F. Christ'" <>,
Subject: RE: SVRA blue / gray at summit point
From: Sadek Charles H DLVA <>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 14:29:37 -0400
Friar Chuck,

        The highlight of my Sun morning practice was to see you pointing us
by out the driver's window amid a cloud of dust...normally the orange
chicane is front to rear rather than sideways...  <VBG>.  Castor oil and
dust ... hmmmm.
        Tell Jon thanks for the semi-sweet chocolate drops.

Chuck Sadek

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles F. Christ []
> Subject:      SVRA blue / gray at summit point
> well since no one has sent any reports yet i'll jump in and say except for
> the short period of rain saturday morning the weekend was great!    once
> again i was the official greeter of all of group 1 and at times EVRYONE in
> group 3 too!   i'm getting rather good at determining diferential of speed
> in my mirrors.  
> chuckoarnge saab #25 (SVRA#251)
>    chuck,
> peter?  umm yer not too offended by the moving oarnge safety cone......are
> ya?  .....c.

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