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what is vintage and who should......

To: <>
Subject: what is vintage and who should......
From: "Charles Christ" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 16:04:13 -0000
uh-oh!  here we go again....the dreaded (and sometimes heated) discussion
about what is a vintage race car and with or without history!   evryone has
an opinion and they all do count!  but it really comes down to what
organization you are targeting to run with.   certain organizations rules
blend nicely into another groups rules and othere do not!   so original ,
for real pedigreed vintage race cars or not?   it is very much up to evry
individual out there to decide wich organization they choose to participate
with and or support.    the pennsylvania dutch have a neat saying that
loosely translated into english is..."  that's why it gives chocolate and
vanilla".   there is something for evryone.   and as for me?  2 of my 4
wheel children have pedigrees and #3 we know was raced but still are looking
for mr. rex harrison of salt lake city utah to provide the answers to a
bunch of interesting questions. (yeah i already did the calling harrisons in
the area  deal.....nothing!)  and go figure the utah SCCA office has no i'm not done yet just too busy to spend day in and day out
people hunting.   that's a winter project!  lol!


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