Or... if you can stand not having finger tips on the gloves look in any bike
store... $5 to $10 per pair.
Just a thought
(only a '76 Spitfire DM autocrosser and a '63 Mini Cooper... but a TRUE
Frejus Campionato del Mundo!)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-vintage-race@autox.team.net
> [mailto:owner-vintage-race@autox.team.net]On Behalf Of
> RodsINTOMG@aol.com
> Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 8:24 AM
> To: rallred@inconnect.com; mjb@cs.utah.edu; vintage-race@autox.team.net;
> team-thicko@autox.team.net
> Cc: vintagelotus@uswest.net
> Subject: Re: Gee but I'd love to hear that again
> In a message dated 5/8/01 8:33:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> rallred@inconnect.com writes:
> <<
> Now, if I could just find a pair of those vintage knit back
> driving gloves!
> >>
> Check out Griot's Garage, www.griotsgarage.com.Richard Griots
> claims in his
> catalog that he personally owns Jim Clarks origional leather and
> string back
> racing gloves and has had made an exact replica for sale at (I think)
> $89.95. Check it out.
> Amazing what you can find out on the internet, huh?
> Rod Schweiger