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Re: Gee but I'd love to hear that again

To: "Mark J. Bradakis" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Gee but I'd love to hear that again
From: "Robert Allred" <>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2001 09:32:45 -0600
Ah, Mark,

My name and Jim Clark's in the same message....Wow!

No one appreciates more than I the disparity between my red & yellow
Crossle' FF, and the green & yellow race cars of classic Team Lotus!  And,
Wendover IVR is a long, long, way from Indy, and generations removed from
'60's F1.  Certainly a wider still gap separates Clark's skills and my own
late life, "Walter Mitty" efforts.

Racing, for me, like all other life endeavors, is a matter of doing what I
can, with what I have, at the time and place available.  Participation,
association, and identification are worthy and fitting rewards.  If they
inspire even a fleeting tribute to a real champion, so much the better!

Now, if I could just find a pair of those vintage knit back driving gloves!

Bob Allred  -  Riverton, Utah
Miata & Crossle' 32
Club Racing & Solo Events

----- Original Message -----
From: Mark J. Bradakis <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 1:02 AM
Subject: Re: Gee but I'd love to hear that again

> Gee, funny you should say such a thing.  Last weekend Intermountain
> Racing had a drivers school weekend out at Wendover, Utah.  At one point I
> was standing by the side of the Enola Gay hangar, watching the open wheel
> strut their stuff.  Bob Allred in a Crossle Formula Ford came down the
> straight at full chat heading into the front kink, and as he zipped by me
> had a fleeting flashback.
> Years ago, one of the salesman who called upon the company where my father
> worked lived in Indianapolis, a few blocks from the track.  He and my dad
> were buddies, and our family often traveled from South Bend down to Indy
> the qualifying weekends.  I vaguely recall early to mid sixties, as the A.
> Watson Roadsters and such were pushed into the history books by the up and
> coming rear engined cars.
> So there I was a week ago, standing around at an old Air Force facility in

> the western desert as a Formula Ford went by.  And for an extremely brief
> very succinct moment I heard Jim Clark in a little green Lotus
> out of turn 4 and across a yard of bricks.
> mjb.

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