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Re: DBCOM transponders

Subject: Re: DBCOM transponders
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 09:37:24 EST
In a message dated 1/10/01 3:14:58 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< This means
 that SVRA would be the only remaining club running events in Florida (that I
 know of) that might still use DBcom and my bet would be that they will be
 switching to AMB in the near future as well.  Totally my opinion and not
 based on any acquired information.  Jack W. would be a better source.  Jack? 

For everyone concerned. SVRA has never used DbCOM or any other system except 
to test DbCOM a few years back and determine that it was unreliable. We have 
Neil Harmon and his crew who do a better job than any of these systems.

However, even Neil has his limitations and we will probably go to a system in 
the future. No determination has been made, so SVRA competitors do not need 
to worry about getting one yet.

As for disposing or DbCOM units, since we have never used them, we don't have 
a buy back plan.

Jack Woehrle

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