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Overseas shipping

Subject: Overseas shipping
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 00:55:13 EST
I have been shipping cars to Europe for over 10 years. It is easy. I can give 
you the names of several American companies that I have used and who also can 
handle shipping from Europe to the US...From the West coast to Germany or 
Holland is about $1100 for a MGB sized car after all fees are added up..That 
is because the shipping company can consolidate your car with 2 others and 
get 3 cars in a 40 foot container.( sometimes they get 6 in a 40 footer) 
Coming this way  often costs more because there are less cars being shipped 
this direction so there is less chance to find some one to share a container 
But if you deal with a reputable company they can often consolidate a load...
Good luck
Jerry Burr

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