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Re: Fixing the system?

Subject: Re: Fixing the system?
From: "Mark Palmer" <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 12:49:48 GMT
Larry & group,

Actually, I started this thread by asking the question.  And knowing what 
might happen, I specifically asked people to refrain from lawyer-bashing and 
to refrain from voicing general opinions on the tort system. Frankly, I have 
deleted the lawyer-bashing and tort-whining messages without even reading 
them, as those messages have no value to me.

But a BIG thank-you to all, like Larry, who provided factual information 
based on their personal experience.  That's what we're looking for.  I truly 
appreciate the time, effort, and openness of those who share useful & 
on-target information on this list.  Let's keep it that way (or I'll sue the 
pants off all you list abusers, make it a class action for wasting the time 
of all the other listers, and hire Doug Meis to file the thing!) ;-)

Mark Palmer

>From: Larry Dent <>
>Reply-To: Larry Dent <>
>Subject: Re: Fixing the system?
>Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 16:03:10 -0500
>Hey come on folks.
>I sort of started this by making comments on the insurance situation as
>I understand it from an agent that was in the business for years, and
>serving strictly the auto racing community.
>How the heck did it degenerate into such name calling?
>Lets all take a deep breath and get back to war stories about our racing
>Larry Dent


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