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Re: Re: Liability

To: "Mark Palmer" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Re: Liability
From: "Paul" <>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 12:46:03 -0400
  And please remember that no matter what is signed or how a policy is
worded, absolutely none of it means anything in a court of law!  In a law
suit the only thing that matters is who has the most money and can out last
the other guy.  This is why you hear about million dollar suits filed
against big companies and you may even read that the little guy won.  But
you never read about what they actually collect, if anything.  Read the book
'Rainmaker'.  It is closer to the truth than I care to think about.
  When little people sue little people it mostly depends on which lawyer can
sway the jury.  Best thing to do is understand what you're doing may be
dangerous and if you can't deal with that, stay home.



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