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Re: Racing with overdrives

Subject: Re: Racing with overdrives
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 22:19:51 EST
In a message dated 1/24/00 3:31:08 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

 Does anyone know and care to share experience on what to do to the D or J 
 type laycock overdrives to beef them for racing.  I'm sure higher hydraulic 
 pressures are in order but I don't know much beyond that.  Any help would be 
 Thanx, Steve 

I'm curious.  I can't guess why you would want to race vintage  with an 
overdrive gearbox.  First, they are about 25 lbs heaver than a standard 
gearbox (at least in the MGB).  Do you seriously run out of gears on the race 
tracks that you race?  Do you get up into the dangerously high RPMs like 
6,500 or 7,000 or more on the straights of the tracks that you frequently 
I have an MGB with and early standard gearbox converted to close ratio with 
an MGA twin cam gearset.  I run a 3.9 rearend on long tracks like Thunderhill 
and either the 3.9 or the 4.3 on tracks like Sears Point with the 4.3 on 
tracks like Laguna Seca.  

I know that the MG car company ran very tall gears and perhaps an overdrive 
in the early '60s at places like LeMans with the long 2 mile plus straights.  
But vintage, where do you need it?

It seems to me if you have your car camed correctly you should make most of 
your power at the top of the RPM band (say 6,000 to 7,000) and thats where I 
would want to be at the end of my longest straight in top gear.  Simply 
adjust the final drive to do it.

I'd like to hear your thoughts and those of anyone on the list on this 

Awaiting my flames,

Rod Schweiger
"64 MGB Sebring Coupe

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