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Re: the time I blew off tech

To: PSR <>
Subject: Re: the time I blew off tech
From: "John A. Rollins" <>
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 05:54:03 -0700

This is an excellent topic for a new thread "worker appreciation".  We
have been struggling with this issue for some years now in Florida
Region SCCA.  The Vintage group has done a number of things to attempt
to show our appreciation.  We donate items to be given away at the
worker/driver party (Saturday night after the track is cold), donate
money to help sponsor the party or acquire worker safety items and even
paid the membership dues for a number of the workers.  It still doesn't
seem like it's enough though.

I'd really like to hear ideas from other drivers and workers on this
subject so let's start a separate thread and see what we come up with!



John A. Rollins, Vintage Race Coordinator
Florida Region, SCCA

PSR wrote:
> Nick is right on with the reminder to thank the workers who make it possible
> for us to race.  But is a wave  enough?
> I was first a licensed "Crash and Burn" Road Atlanta corner worker (every
> race at RA for the first 7 years).  I am now a "vintage racer".  I have
> enjoyed both immensely.  My motivation then was to be a part of the
> excitement and to be close to the action.  I gave freely of my time both at
> the track and in training for my responsibilities.  I was rewarded by just
> being there.  A beer party was frosting.  My true mission was to meet the
> Mark Donohues and Bob Tulliuses and Harvey Templetons and maybe learn how to
> live the life they were leading or at least learn from it.
> As a vintage racer I am concerned that we have lost the ability to give the
> current crop of workers adequate incentive.  When vintage racing burst upon
> the scene workers were easy to enlist.  Then there were more "top notch
> cars".  The drivers were relatively safe and safety worker demands were
> light.  Workers were even invited to the driver's parties (imagine that).
> Recently though the bloom is off the lily.  There is not much to excite the
> workers.  Same old no-name drivers and cars you have seen enough times to
> where keen interest is lost.  And you don't have to look far to see that the
> driving is not as safe as it once was.
> The Hysterics have no problem with workers....the quality of the cars and
> the occasional famous name brings them back time after time.  But what of
> VARA, SVRA, HSR, VSCDA and the other groups that have less of a luster.
> What should they be offering the workers to get their skills to the track?
> More and more the incentive is only cash to their club or association.  That
> is a diminishing return for both, since the club keeps the cash and
> excitement is a better motivator.
> Watkins Glen, with a new worker association underbidding a long established
> association, may just be the tip of the iceberg.  SVRA walked into a
> significantly different situation in 1999 than 1998.  The quantity and
> quality of workers was noticeably insufficient.
> What ideas are out there, in this largely quiet group of vintage racers,
> which will motivate the workers to come to our events in numbers large
> enough to make them safe in that respect?
> Pat Ryan
> SVRA member since 1988

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