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Re: Top 10 Reasons Why I Won't be in Monterey this weekend.....

Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons Why I Won't be in Monterey this weekend.....
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 17:13:33 EDT
In a message dated 8/18/98 1:45:29 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< only a few
 Ferarris.  >>

Where else but at the Monterey Historics would one be disappointed in an event
that included the following Ferraris:

        TWO 1958 250 Testa Rosas
        1959 625 TR
        1954 340 America
        1954 375 MM
        TWO 1954 500 Mondials
        1951 212
        1959 246S
        1970 512 F
Can anyone name another vintage event in the western hemisphere with a better
list of Ferraris?

Yes, the traffic was terrible.  (They sold out Saturday and turned away anyone
who hadn't already purchased a ticket.)  It was the bigger spectator event
than last year's CART race.
That's what happens when you bring out vintage racing cars everyone wants to

The cars were magnificent, even if you were not a Porsche fan, and the racing
was hard fought, very clean (no shunts) and exciting.  Hurley Haywood said his
race in the 914/6 was the best race he had in decades. He outbraked the
leading Corvette in the last turn on the last lap. 

The plans are to bring back every Monterey Cup winner for the past 25 years
and to also bring over the prewar Auto Unions.  The crowds probably won't be
as big, but it should be a special event for true car enthusiasts.

IMHO, Steve and Debbie Earle should be congratulated rather than criticized.
Look at what they have done for the sport over the last 25 years.

David Whiteside

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