> concerned that a guy in a $2500 MG is not going to have the proper vintage
> racing attitude, especially when it shows up looking like a modern day SCCA
> car, rather than a period vintage racer,
Since I'm currently running SCCA vintage, I get to see lots of SCCA
cars. I've seen few SCCA production cars that approach the level of prep
typical of today's vintage cars. SCCA is an organization of amateur
racers on a budget, while vintage is overrun by professionally prepared
and maintained cars. At the SCCA events I've attended so far, almost all
the vintage cars (and most everything else) are brought in on open
trailers - while at most vintage races, the majority seem to come in a
transporter that would rival a Trans-Am team....a fact that drives me
crazy whe I try to find space in the paddock!