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Northeast SCCA Vintage sponsored by Volvo

To: Vintage Race List <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Northeast SCCA Vintage sponsored by Volvo
From: Jim Hayes <>
Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 22:29:55 -0400
Those in the NE may be interested in the SCCA vintage schedule. Volvo is
the sponsor, underwriting the series (means low entry fees!)
Schedule is 
May 9/10 Pocono
June 20/21 Watkins Glen (got that Roger?)
July 17-18 Lime Rock
August 14-16 Lime Rock
Aug 22-23 NHIS
Sept 4-5 Lime Rock (w/Fall Vintage Festival - tentative)
Contact is Dave Panas 201-337-6454 (H) or 973-430-7462. 
I plan to run a couple of these events and will report back on them.

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