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Re: Alternator Installation

Subject: Re: Alternator Installation
From: Wrtr <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 19:51:35 EST
In a message dated 98-01-12 19:22:51 EST, writes:

<< < Wouldn't that be...cheating? >>
 Who would you be cheating? The whole idea is to solve a chronic problem and
 still keep the car looking proper. There is no performance advantage other
 than not having to worry about a dead battery.
 Jack Woehrle >>

Hi Jack:

Ok, I admidt it, I believe in alternators too. I have one in my Volvo rally
car so I can run real 12 volt lights (6 volt ones are no longer available).  I
just don't believe in running "modern racing engine rpms" and had to crank in
a couple cents. But then y'all already knew that...

kevin clemens

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